Walking Exercises: 7 Tips That Bollywood Celebrities Follow For Fitness

Incorporating these tips from Bollywood celebrities can help make walking a fun and engaging workout. Read ahead to know.

Tanya Srivastava
Written by: Tanya SrivastavaUpdated at: Jul 19, 2023 15:33 IST
Walking Exercises: 7 Tips That Bollywood Celebrities Follow For Fitness

Onlymyhealth Tamil

Walking is one of the simplest and most accessible forms of exercise, and Bollywood celebrities understand the importance of incorporating it into their fitness routines. However, they also know that making walking fun is key to staying motivated and achieving their fitness goals. 

Tips That Bollywood Celebrities Follow For Fitness

Here are some tips that Bollywood celebrities follow to make walking an enjoyable and effective workout:

1. Power-packed Playlists

Bollywood celebrities understand the power of music to uplift their mood and energise their workouts. They create personalised playlists filled with upbeat Bollywood tracks, peppy songs, and motivational tunes to make their walking sessions enjoyable. Music can make walking feel like dancing, enhancing the overall experience.

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2. Group Walks

Walking alone can sometimes feel monotonous, so many Bollywood celebrities prefer to go for group walks. Walking with friends or colleagues not only adds a social aspect to the workout but also makes it more engaging and enjoyable. They often catch up on conversations, discuss new projects, or simply have fun while walking together.

Also read: Alia Bhatt Talks About Her Fitness Journey And Post-Delivery Care For The Song Tum Kya Mile

3. Interval Training

To make walking more challenging and dynamic, Bollywood celebrities incorporate interval training into their routines. They alternate between brisk walking and short bursts of jogging or running. This not only helps in burning more calories but also adds an element of excitement and variety to the workout.

4. Explore Scenic Routes

Bollywood celebrities often choose picturesque locations for their walks, such as parks, beaches, or scenic trails. Being surrounded by beautiful scenery makes the walk more refreshing and enjoyable. It also provides a change of environment, which helps in maintaining interest and motivation.

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5. Walking Challenges

To keep themselves motivated and make walking a fun competition, Bollywood celebrities participate in walking challenges. They set personal goals, compete with friends, or use fitness apps that track their progress and achievements. These challenges add an element of excitement and encourage them to push their limits.

Also read: Alia Bhatt Talks About Her Fitness Journey And Post-Delivery Care For The Song Tum Kya Mile

6. Dance Walks

Bollywood is known for its energetic dance numbers, and many celebrities incorporate dance elements into their walks. They add dance steps, hip movements, or arm gestures to their walking routine, transforming it into a fun-filled dance walk. It not only makes the exercise enjoyable but also works on coordination and rhythm.

7. Mindfulness and Meditation

Bollywood celebrities understand the importance of mental well-being along with physical fitness. They practise mindfulness and meditation while walking, focusing on their breath, surroundings, and being present in the moment. This helps them relax, reduce stress, and enjoy the walk as a holistic experience.

Incorporating these tips from Bollywood celebrities can help make walking a fun and engaging workout. By adding music, group walks, interval training, scenic routes, challenges, dance elements, and mindfulness, walking becomes more than just a physical activity—it becomes an enjoyable part of a healthy lifestyle. So put on your walking shoes, follow these tips, and embrace the joy of walking!
